Become a Foster Parent
Enhanced Foster Care
Foster families provide a supportive and nurturing environment for children and youth up to 18 years of age who can no longer live with their natural parents and may have experienced trauma. Children may be in foster care on an emergency, short or long-term basis depending on the specific situation and the needs of the child and family.
Humana’s Enhanced Foster Care program supports foster families across southwest Ontario, helping them to confidently open their hearts and homes to children in need of a stable, loving home environment where they can grow and thrive.

Humana’s Foster Care Program meets the diverse needs of children, youth and families providing:
Stabilization, observation and assessment
Emphasis on safety, predictability and routines
Healthy and active lifestyle
Clinical counselling and consultation
Program Goals:
To provide every child with a sense of security and love within a family setting
To provide every child with a family that is best matched to their personal needs (religious, cultural, language, location, etc.)
To reintegrate children with their natural family, where possible
Interested in learning more about becoming a foster parent?